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Cookieless experiences

Discover the different options for cookie consent, using the built-in features in your Unless dashboard.

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This article explains the different options for cookie consent, using the built-in features in your Unless dashboard. To learn more about cookies, GDPR and how this works within the Unless platform, please read the Privacy section. Especially do this if you are not sure whether you need a consent procedure or not.

Option 1: Consent is not required

When consent is not required, we will show all the experiences, track visitor behavior, audiences and goal conversions. Full insights and A/B testing are available to analyze the performance of your goals, audiences and experiences. You can use the opt-out API to opt-out a visitor of tracking and (optionally) experiences.

Consent is not required

Option 2: Consent is required

With the “require consent”-switch enabled, we will not track visit behavior and goal achievements until the opt-in API call has been completed. We will not set any cookies in the visitor’s browser. However, we may still be able to show some experiences, depending on your settings.

There are two options to control which experiences are shown:

  1. Show cookieless experiences only: We will show all experiences that don’t require any tracking. For example, anything based on contextual data that is available on a single page will be shown, but experiences based on multi-page audiences will not. In practice, this means most experiences will still be shown to the visitor. For clarity, there will be no cookies set and no tracking applied.
  2. Do not show any experiences at all: In this case no experiences will be shown to the visitor before consent.

Consent is required

Before consent, we will regard this visitor as fully anonymous and untracked. It is important to understand that before consent, none of the visitors will show up in the dashboard and insights. They will not be counted in any of the shown statistics, conversions or A/B tests.

After consent, we will consider it the start of a new session for a new, known visitor. What happens prior-consent and post-consent will not be connected, because we will not record anything that happens before consent.

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